Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Katie and David:)

So a couple of saturdays ago I got together with Katie and David to take some pictures. They were awesome. They were both so at ease(well maybe not at the very beginning but became that way quickly) and they were so easy to work with. Not to mention photograph! Hope you enjoy these as much as I did taking them.

I mean seriously. They're adorable.

Every time I see this one I just sigh and say omg how cute!

One of my favorites! Katie is gorgeous!

David was such a good sport about everything. From me asking him to get into the little kids play thing to wearing crazy props.

So adorable! Photo friends-notice I still have my tilt. Haha I can't get rid of it.

They've been married for 7 years but you can see how truly in love they are with each other.

Here go the prop sequences... some of my favorite pictures from this segment.

Nanananananan BATMAN!:)

All in all working with these two was beyond easy. I hope we can do it again:)

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